All great golfers use the ground properly during their swing sequence, giving them great BALANCE, SEQUENCING, and POWER.
Professional golfers also have the ability to balance on one leg for 30 sec with their eyes closed.
If you find it difficult to balance on one leg for 30 sec with your eyes closed it could be due to muscle imbalances in your lower leg.
MUSCLE IMBALANCES decrease your coordination, make it harder for you to balance, and make you slow.
Muscle imbalances are caused by postural dysfunction..
POSTURAL DYSFUNCTION leads to changes in muscle LENGTH/TENSION relationships.
Some muscles become adaptively shorter.
This causes ANTAGONISTS to become inhibited.
And as a result, SYNERGISTS have to step-up.
Think of synergists like the 3 interns you had to hire when your company cut your top producer because her salary was too high.
Now you have to work twice as hard to keep them on task, you’re less efficient because of it, and the 3 interns are ready to burn out because they can’t handle it.
In the short term it’s saving the company money, but in the long term it can only lead to disaster. Your body works in the same way.
Your body has found a compensatory pattern that is allowing you to maintain normal daily function, but increases the wear on joints and connective tissue.
Every muscle we commonly use an ACTIVATION TECHNIQUE for will have OVERACTIVE SYNERGISTS we must inhibit.
Therefore, follow the instructions I provide in the video carefully.
After performing 15 reps on one leg try to balance again on that leg with your eyes closed and see if it is easier.
In good health,
Not Sure Where to Start?
Hi, I'm Thomas...
I understand what it is like to live with low back pain because I have three bulging discs and osteoarthritis in my low back. I learned how to not only manage my low back pain, but eliminate it almost entirely and without prescription drugs. I can teach you how to do the same.