How to Stay Loose During a Round

In this video I show you 3 stretches you should be doing during a round of golf and on what holes you should be doing them.

BICEPS FEMORIS DYNAMIC STRETCH: Perform 1 set of 10 repetitions on each leg on hole number 3 and hole number 12.

HIP FLEXOR COMPLEX DYNAMIC STRETCH: Perform 1 set of 10 repetitions on each leg on hole number 1 and hole number 10.

LATISSIMUS DORSI DYNAMIC STRETCH: Perform 1 set of 10 repetitions on each side on hole number 6 and hole number 15.


When a muscle becomes overactive it becomes a restriction in your swing and as you move through your swing sequence you have to compensate around the various restrictions that you have.

Those compensations will manifest themselves as certain swing flaws.

So if you’re struggling with consistency you need to identify and remove the restrictions and limitations in your body that are holding you back and keeping your from reaching your full potential.

If you’re looking for a golf fitness program that shows you how to do that step by-step you can find that over at

The Trainfuly Golf Fitness Program consists of the same routines that Thomas uses with professional golfers to enhance their performance and protect them from injury.

In good health,


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